Mitch Tsiros
What made you get into the Fitness Industry?
I started going to the gym as a way to get bigger, but fell in love with the process and the progression I saw. I’ve always been into sport, and I soon found that the gym is the best way to supplement any sport when it comes to improving performance and reducing injury risk. I figured if I love it so much, why not do it for a job and help others do the same? 4 years on and I’m still loving it, and intend to stay in the industry for life!
“4 years on and I’m still loving it, and intend to stay in the industry for life!”
Whats your favourite session to take?
Strength, with HIIT a close second. I believe strength training is pivotal for everyone - whether it be to gain muscle mass, rehabilitate injury or strengthen foundation movements to improve daily life activities. I really enjoy taking a new person through movements such as deadlifts, RDL’s and shoulder press as I think they have the greatest movement translation into everyday life; such as picking up boxes, moving furniture or lifting your child above your head. If I can get people to do these movements effectively and safely, that’s the best trade-off.
Top 3 exercises?
DB Incline Bench Press
Single Arm Cable Pulldown
Tricep Rope Pulldown
Whats your go-to meal after a workout?
Steak, Air-Fried Potatoes and an absurd amount of Perinaise
Rev-Up Song?
Kickstart My Heart - Motley Crue. Pure energy.