Our unlimited membership entitles you to as many sessions as you can get to and full access to our gym anytime you want. The difference between this and a regular gym membership is that rather than being left to your own devices, it is our job and our goal to give you a very directed, structured and supervised experience. You can potentially do 6 or more sessions per week in a fun, safe community of like minded people.
gym use only
Our gym use only membership is designed for those who have a structured program, set of goals or an injury they need to work on individually.
10 session packs
This is ideal for someone who may not be able to get into the gym as often as they like or would like to complement their current training routine with strength and conditioning sessions. These packs do not expire and can be used any time.
True Active Physiotherapy is a Sports and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Clinic within Boss Gym. They specialise in assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of a range of conditions and have experience working in the AFLW, AFL, VNL and VFLW.
Their physiotherapists can help you understand your injury, treat your symptoms and provide guidance in your training whilst you rehabilitate from your injury to full health.
$75 - 45 minutes
Personal training is for those who need a more personalised approach. We support clients in working out what they want, why they want it, what’s stopping them and only then together create a plan for action. Through this supportive relationship our clients experience success and ultimately achieve more significant change than they would on their own.
$50 Body Comp Scans
$100 Calorie + Macro Plan
Our Boss Nutrition is designed for those who are wanting a structured meal plan based on their correct macro breakdown, calories and food they love to eat. By sticking to a plan that is designed for what your body needs will give you the greatest amount of success. A plan doesn't have to be boring either, it can contain all the things you love to eat, just measured to fit in for you. We work out what you should be eating, based on the results of your body composition scan.