Bridget Hofing


What made you get into the Fitness Industry?

It’s a combination of two things I love. Training and coaching. I’m very much a people person, so being able to be with like-minded people is what makes me tick. I’ve been going to the gym for 10 years now and have worked in the industry for 7. Plus being a Health & PE teacher, this is the type of environment I want to be in.

I’m very much a people person, so being able to be with like-minded people is what makes me tick.
— Bridget Hofing

What’s your favourite session to take?

I love all the sessions but favourite to take is HIIT. A nice spicy environment, with lots of adrenaline. Just a lot of fun.

Top 3 exercises?

Leg Press – I’ve got short leavers so I froth a heavy leg press

Deadlifts – Deadlifts are king, a full body exercise

Running – very underrated but I love the endorphin rush


What’s your Coffee order?

Long black and strong THANKYOU

1RM Song?

My Spine is Tingling – Will Sparks